
The body of Athenae in charge of guidance is the COP (Orientation and Placement Center).
The branch office is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.00.
Within the Departments and the individual Degree Courses, there are teaching contacts for all orientation activities in schools.
The orientation and placement actions achieve, in particular, in the various phases the following objectives:

Orientation on entry
Among other activities, the center offers elements of knowledge to students in order to guide them in choosing the course of study, in close coordination with the school institutions, through the production of information material (paper, audiovisual and IT), creation of a website of University dedicated to Orientation and Tutoring and provision of orientation services via the web, organization of information visits and educational-orientation activities at the Schools and at the University, organization of orientation events and participation in events deemed of interest to the 'University.

Ongoing guidance and tutoring
The main purpose is to provide general information on the logistical, bureaucratic and administrative organization of the University as well as assistance, cultural and educational-training information.
To this end, the tools, contents and educational objectives of the Degree Courses and of the various disciplines are illustrated and the student is assisted in choosing the possible institutionally defined study paths (study plans, addresses, preparatory courses, barriers, degree thesis ) or freely available, helping him to develop the ability to organize, follow and correct a training itinerary, by deepening the criteria and methods for preparing the university curriculum.

Orientation out (placement)
This activity will be aimed at directing graduating students and recent graduates to post-graduate activities and the world of work, also promoting international contacts and forms of professional insertion and providing the information tools necessary to know the labor market also in the European dimension (newspaper d ' University; information boards, also virtual, relating to competitions and selections; meetings with business representatives, public bodies, professional firms; relations with employment agencies; organization of internships and internships).
We also take care of promoting the self-assessment of attitudes and skills by the graduating student, also through psychological support activities, of providing indications of choice and orientation, if the student believes he must integrate the first level degree with the enrollment to a master's degree program, as well as to identify and implement forms of updating and improvement suitable for professional figures corresponding to the qualifications issued by the University.